
welcome to fish hebrides

Recent Catches

Angie Campbell with a 3lb-10oz brown trout from Loch Langabhat that was caught on worm during June 8th.
Beautiful golden colouring and vivid markings on this brown trout that was hooked on a Peter Ross from a hill loch in the Uig area of Lewis by Murdo Macaulay during May 28th.
A nice 1lb brown trout being released to Loch Huamabhat, Finsbay Fishery during May 18th.
Joel Bamsey released this 5lb trout that he caught on fly from a Lewis estuary during March 25th.
Adam Piper releasing a 1lb-8oz estuary trout that he caught on a Claret Dabbler during a May visit to Lewis.
Beautiful coloration on this Loch Grogarry (South Uist) brown trout which was released during May 6th.
Paul Clydesdale with a lovely 2lb-4oz Loch Hallan, South Uist brown trout on May 10th.
A 2lb-12oz brown trout from Loch Grogarry, South Uist for John Stephenson during April 27th. This fish along with four others, were released.
welcome to fish hebrides


Although several salmon were hooked and lost, the first salmon of the 2024 season was hooked at the Grimersta First Stream by Colin Macleod during May 10th. The 14lb salmon was hooked on a Park Shrimp.

The trout waters of South Uist have produced some stunning trout during the early months of the season with Ross Macaulay landing 12 trout (all released) during late March/early April, the best being a 2lb fish from Loch East Bee on a Peter Ross. John Stephenson had an enjoyable visit to Loch Grogarry on April 25th landing and releasing 5 trout for 9lb-2oz (best 2lb-12oz) which were caught on an Orange Kate and a Bee Sting. Joseph Gault released 16 trout during his early May visits to Lochs West Ollay, Stilligarry, Toronish, Bornish and Mid Ollay the best being; 3lb-8oz from Loch West Ollay and 2lb-8oz from Loch Bornish and Paul Clydesadale and Brian Fraser had  fine sport during May 6th – 10th landing 47 trout for 57lb-4oz, all bar one released. Their best fish were; Loch Grogarry 2lb, Loch West Ollay 2lb-8oz, Loch Bornish 2lb, Loch Stilligarry 1lb-14oz and Loch Hallan 2lb-4oz. The heaviest brown trout, so far, from the Outer Hebrides was a stunning 7lb-4oz fish from loch West Ollay which was hooked on a Benbecula Muddler by Duncan Forbes during May 23rd  and commendably released.

A stunning 7lb-4oz brown trout from Loch West Ollay (South Uist) that was hooked on a Benbecula Muddler by Duncan Forbes during May 23rd and was released.
Beautiful markings and colour on this Loch Bornish (South Uist) brown trout that was hooked on an Orange Sedgehog by Neil Mcindoe on May 23rd.
Paul Clydesdale released this 'chunky' 2lb-8oz Loch West Ollay (South Uist) brown trout during May 7th.
Colin Macleod releasing the first Hebridean salmon of the season. The 14lb fish was hooked on a Park Shrimp at the Grimersta First Stream during May 10th.
Lovely markings on this Loch Hallan, South Uist brown trout.
Beautiful colours and markings on this 1lb-14oz Loch Stilligarry, South Uist brown trout that Brian Fraser caught during May 9th.
A nice Loch Grogarry (South Uist) brown trout about to be released on May 6th.
Lovely golden colour and beautiful markings on this Loch Hallan (South Uist) brown trout that Brian Fraser caught during May10th.
Keir Morris released this nice brown trout that he caught on Loch Huamabhat (Finsbay Fishery - Harris) during April 11th.